BCG Adventures - Promotion Pack
Materials for social media and other promotion
Help us spread the word about VALIDATE's BCG Adventures video games series - Three educational games or kids...all about vaccines.

The games and all of the materials on this page are available for free and are designed to be distributed as widely as possible. Open the tabs below for our selection of videos, gifs, pictures and wording. You can also find helpful materials on our BCG Adventures Promotion Pack folder on Google Drive.
Who are the games for?
The games are free and available online to anyone who wishes to play them. They will be both fun and informative for people of all ages but are specifically aimed at students aged 11-14. The games provide teachers with a fun and engaging tool to help communicate concepts of vaccinology and think the games could be a useful tool for researchers who take part in science festivals and career fairs.
We ask that you support this exciting project by:
- Sharing the games on social media
- Embedding the games on your website (see below)
- Emailing friends colleagues including:
- Researchers
- Teachers
- Students
- Young people
- Anyone interested in science
An engaging teaching resource

The games provide teachers with a fun and engaging tool to communicate concepts of vaccinology and act as a jumping-off point for student discussions. It is also a useful public engagement resource for researchers taking part in events like science festivals and career fairs. You can use the games as an educational resource in the following ways,
- Classroom exercise: The game is single-player. Whilst two or more students can work collaboratively on a single screen, the game works best if students play solo and then return for a class discussion.
- Remote learning: The game can be played anywhere with a computer and internet connection, making them ideal for remote learning.
- One to one teaching: The games can also work with a parent, teacher or researcher sitting down and playing through the game with the young person. This is especially appropriate at public events and will give your careers fair or science festival stand a unique selling point.
If you do happen to use any of the games in the classroom or other educational environment, let us know how it went and share with us any new ideas for how these can be used -
Help us spread the word - Materials for social media and promotion
Download Trailer - 32 MB (right-click and save as).
This trailer has been created to share as widely possible and we encourage you to download and post on social media.
You can also find and share the trailer on YouTube.
The music is - Songe D'Automne played by the awesome Latché Swing.
Note: The gifs do display well on this website but work fine once downloaded and used on other social media and sites.
Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).

Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).
Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).
Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).
Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).

Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).
Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).
Download Gif (right-click and Save link as).
Download the Games
You can download the zip files by clicking below. Extract the files to a separate folder and click the games' .exe file.
Little Lille Adventure V1 (WIN).zip
- Once extracted, select "Albert and Camille’s Little Lille Adventure.exe"
Vaccine Delivery Adventure V1 (WIN).zip
- Once extracted, select "Vaccine Delivery.exe" (in the "Build" folder)
Embed the Games
You can embed the games on your own website. The embed HTML code can be found for each game below.
Little Lille Adventure
Copy the code below and paste in your websites source code.
<iframe frameborder="0" src=""">" allowfullscreen="" width="960" height="620"><a href=""">">Play Albert and Camille's Little Lille Adventure on</a></iframe>
Vaccine Delivery Adventure
Copy the code below and paste in your websites source code.
<iframe frameborder="0" src=""">" allowfullscreen="" width="960" height="680"><a href=""">">Play Vaccine Delivery Adventure on</a></iframe>
VALIDATE needs your help getting the word out about BCG Adventures. We have created some messaging below for emails and social media. These are only suggestions and we recommend you tailor the messaging to your own audience and add your own thoughts about the project. You can include the gifs, screenshots and posters from above to help spread the word.

Long Form (email and Facebook etc)
Email 1
Travel back to 1917 and explore a war-torn city to help invent a life-saving vaccine!
Avoid killer traffic, deadly rivers and dangerous dogs to deliver vaccines to the communities that need them!
Enter a microscopic world and defend the human body from invaders!
The VALIDATE Network, a global community of vaccine researchers, has just released BCG Adventures - educational video games all about vaccines. You can play them online, for free, right now!
These games are an open-access resource to help parents, researchers and teachers engage young people with the science of vaccines, so please do share them with your students, friends and outreach audiences! Not only do these games help communicate concepts of immunology and vaccine development, they are also great fun!
Three free games have been released:
Albert and Camille’s Little Lille Adventure is an exploration and adventure game in which you help Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin explore occupied Lille in 1917 and gather the supplies they need to create the BCG vaccine (whilst avoiding unfriendly soldiers) -
In Vaccine Delivery Adventure you play a healthcare worker trying to overcome the challenges of delivering the BCG vaccine in increasingly more difficult environments – can you deliver the vaccines in time? -
Welcome to your Immune System is an arcade-style game where you defend human cells from an invading of mycobacteria.
The games are totally free with no restrictions on use! Please help us get the message out about this exciting project.
Email 2
EXPLORE a war-torn city to help invent a life-saving vaccine.
ESCAPE dangers and deliver vaccines to the communities that need them.
DEFEND the human body from mycobacterial invaders.
LEARN about the fascinating science behind vaccines!
BCG Adventures is a series of educational video games all about vaccines created by The VALIDATE Network, a global community of vaccine researchers.
Made with the help of world lead scientists, BCG Adventures is a free open-access resource to help researchers, parents and teachers engage young people with the science of vaccines.
The games:
Albert and Camille’s Little Lille Adventure is a classic exploration game in which you help Albert Calmette and Camille Guérin explore occupied Lille in 1917. Find the items they need to create the BCG vaccine and learn about the techniques used to create the BCG Vaccine.
Vaccine Delivery Adventure is a fun side-scrolling game where you control a healthcare worker trying to overcome the challenges of delivering the BCG vaccine in increasingly more difficult environments. Avoid dangerous dogs, raging rivers and heavy traffic and learn about the challenges of
Welcome to your Immune System is an addictive classic arcade-style game where you defend human cells from an invading of bacteria. Use all the weapons in your arsenal from macrophages, Killer T Cells, to Cytokines and learn how these work in real life.
Please do get in touch if you have any thoughts about the games.

For Linkedin
Travel back to 1917 and explore a war-torn city to help invent a life-saving vaccine. Avoid killer traffic, deadly rivers and dangerous dogs to deliver vaccines to the communities that need them. Enter a microscopic world and defend the human body from invaders.
These games are an open resource to help VALIDATE members, researchers and teachers engage young people with the science of vaccines, so please do share them with your students, friends, and outreach audiences! Not only do these games help communicate concepts of immunology and vaccine development they are also great fun!
In Albert and Camille’s Little Lille Adventure you help Drs Calmette and Guérin explore occupied Lille in 1917 and gather the supplies they need to create the BCG vaccine (whilst avoiding unfriendly soldiers).
In Vaccine Delivery Adventure you must overcome the challenges of delivering the BCG vaccine in increasingly more difficult environments.
In Welcome to Your Immune System, you control a craft and defend human cells from an invasion of mycobacteria.
The games 100% free! Play them today, share them with colleagues, friends, and young scientists and spread the word!
#science #students #bcg #vaccines

Suggested Tweets
- Explore a war-torn city and invent a life-saving vaccine. Avoid traffic, rivers and dogs to deliver vaccines. Defend the human body against invaders! @NetworkValidate's BCG Adventure educational computer games are free to play online now!
- The VALIDATE Network (@NetworkValidate) has launched BCG Adventures, a series of fun educational computer games to help communicate science, vaccinology, and immunology to young people. Play for free right now:
- I just played Albert and Camille’s Little Lille Adventure by @NetworkValidate. It's a fun educational game in which you explore Lille in 1917 and help Calmette and Guérin create the #BCG Vaccine for #tuberculosis. Play for free now - #BCG100
- I played Vaccine Delivery Adventure by @NetworkValidate, a classic side-scrolling action game where you play a healthcare worker delivering the BCG vaccine. Learn about #BCG and #tuberculposis in a unique and fun way. Play for free: #BCG100
- Addictive and educational! I have just been defending the human body against an invasion of #Mycobacteria #tuberculosis in @NetworkValidate's Welcome to Your Immune System. The game helps teach the science of vaccines to young people and is 100% free! -