Assistant Professor
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), UK
Network Investigator
Research Keywords:
Social determinants of health, social protection, inequalities
Delia Boccia is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health at LSHTM. She has 10 years of international experience in the field of social epidemiology of infectious diseases, and TB in particular. Her main area of interest is the social and structural determinants of TB and the design and evaluation of socioeconomic interventions able to tackle these factors. She worked extensively in Zambia, South Africa Sudan and Peru, where she co-designed a complex intervention, using cash transfers and psychosocial activities, to reduce the burden of TB in a slum of Lima. In 2014 she has been awarded with the Wellcome Trust Society and Ethics Research Fellowship to assess the impact of Bolsa Familia (the Brazilian governmental conditional cash transfer programme) on TB epidemiology in Brazil. As part of her work she collaborates with several policy making and implementation institutions, including the World Health Organization, the World Food Programme and the World Bank.
Related Websites:
Profile page at LSHTM
Key Publications