Daniela Pagliara Lage

Paniela Pagliara

Post-doctoral scientist

Federal University of Minas Gerais (FUMG), Brazil

Email: danipagliara@hotmail.com






Network Associate, Network Management Board 2024+, VALIDATE Fellow 2024-2026


Research Keywords:

Leishmaniasis, Vaccine, Diagnosis, Treatment, Animal Models, Clinical Trials, Dogs, Humans



Bachelor in Biological Sciences with master's and doctorate degree in the Postgraduate Program in Health Sciences: Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Currently a postdoctoral fellow in the same program and member of the research group "Innovative Technologies for Leishmaniasis Control" in Brazil. Experience in the area of Biochemistry - emphasis on Molecular Biology; Immunology, Biotechnology and Parasitology. Developed projects in the research lines of Immunology, Diagnosis, Vaccines and Treatment of Leishmaniasis, having more than 80 published articles in this field.


Related Websites:

LinkedIn Profile

UMFG Website

UMFG Postgraduate Program


Key Publications:

CNPq Profile