Rachel Simmonds

Rachel Simmonds

Senior Lecturer in Immunopathogenesis

University of Surrey, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 1483 684714

Email: Rachel.Simmonds@surrey.ac.uk





Network Investigator


Research Keywords: 

Buruli ulcer, mycobacterium ulcerans, mycolactone, molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology, host:pathogen interactions



Research in my group focusses on the mechanism of action of mycolactone, the lipid-like immunosuppressive toxin of Buruli ulcer. Mycolactone has many unusual and fascinating biological activities, and in 2014 we identified its mechanism of action – as an inhibitor of Sec61-dependent protein translocation. We are now applying this knowledge to understand more about Buruli ulcer and basic cell biology. This finding also revealed an important role for haemostasis in Buruli ulcer, and we are currently seeking to understand how this may be linked to susceptibility to infection. Together, my research underpins the prevention, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment of Buruli ulcer, a neglected tropical disease.


Related Websites: 

Profile page at University of Surrey

NTD hub


Key Publications:

Available on ResearchGate