Weekly round-up #161


weekly roundup


BCG Then and Now - On Wednesday 24 March, World TB Day 2021, VALIDATE held its first online public lecture. 150 people from around the world attended the talk featuring Prof Helen McShane, Prof Paul Fine and expertly chaired by Prof Helen Fletcher. You can watch the video above or on the VALIDATE YouTube channel.

Our next public event will take place at 18:00, 9 June. In TB and BCG for Animals, Prof Michele Miller and Prof Glyn Hewinson will discuss why effective vaccine programmes for animals are essential to the health and wellbeing of humans. Please help us spread the word and register online - www.validate-network.org//bcg100-animals

New Members

VALIDATE is growing faster than ever and we are excited to welcome the following people to our network.

New Affiliates

  • Mr Colin Larkworthy is a Clinical Trial Support Officer at the Jenner Institute, the University of Oxford in the UK
  • Mr Rois Fatawy is a Research Assistant at Universitas Indonesia
  • Miss Soumi Chowdhury is a PhD Student at the Kasturba Medical College, Manipal in India
  • Mr Venkat Earny is a Research Scholar at the Kasturba Medical College, Manipal in India
  • Dr Enkelejda Dikolli is a and Medical Entomologist at the Institute of Public Health in Albania
  • Dr Perparim Kadriaj is a veterinarian and Entomologist at the Institute Institute of Public Health in Albania
  • Mr Amare Demsie is a Senior University Academician and Researcher at the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health at the University of Gondar in Ethiopia
  • Dr Susan Paton is a Medical Entomologist at the Institute of Public Health in the UK

New Investigators

  • Dr Sara Savić Is a veterinarian and the Head of Laboratory for Serology, Scientific Veterinary Institute, Novi Sad in Serbia
  • Dr Manabu Ato is the Director of the Department of Mycobacteriology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Japan

Do let your colleagues know about VALIDATE and encourage them to join.


  • ERC Consolidator Grants – For scientists who want to consolidate their independence by establishing a research team and continuing to develop a successful career in Europe – deadline 20 April 2021
  • Rosetrees Trust Seedcorn Awards – The Rosetrees Trust Seedcorn Awards are aimed at enabling researchers to advance innovative and novel ideas related to prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment of human diseases - deadline 31 August 2021
  • Daphne Jackson Fellowships - These fellowships are for those looking to return to a research career after a break of two or more years for family, health or caring reasons - Ongoing scheme, apply at any time

Training Opportunities and Events:

More opportunities can be found on our Training and Events pages.


Job Opportunities:

There are many more relevant career opportunities on our jobs page.


Check out our Publications Page for members' publications and email VALIDATE@ndm.ox.ac.uk if you have a paper you would like us to include.

Highlights on Twitter this week:

The British Society of Immunology began its #ExploreVaccines campaign and we helped out with our own tweet. We shared the video of BCG Then and Now, the University of Oxford Medical Sciences published details of BCG100, Yael Velleman of the WASH campaign argued that women should guide and deliver NTD research, and Ribbon Diagrams produced a 3d image of a Crystal structure of 2C-methyl-D-erythritol Burkholderia pseudomallei. Write that PHD provided advice on proofreading your thesis and how to plan and write a journal article. World leaders have expressed support for a Pandemic Treaty to help the world prepare for future health crises with support from the EU Council and UK Government. We shared a world atlas of BCG policies and continued our #BCG100Facts.

Following @NetworkVALIDATE on Twitter is the best way to keep up to date. You can also take part in BCG100 by using the hashtag #BG100


Published: 31 March 2021