Welcome to our list of careers advice resources. Here you will find a list of resources to help with career development. If you would like to us add anything, email validate@ndm.ox.ac.uk
The VALIDATE Hub - an online resource that provides access to our extensive archive of valuable resources. This includes guides to Science Outreach, Mentoring, and a course that aims to improve English language skills.
NIHR Essential Guide to Grant Applications - open access talks on YouTube with more sessions to be added soon
MRC career and funding advice - an interactive framework for exploring possible options for careers and funding in biomedical research
Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral research advice page - lots of information about postdoctoral research, including what the experience might entail, what Wellcome Trust funding options are available, researcher stories and options for beyond postdoctoral research.
The Global Health Network - offers free e-learning, forums, and help documents for things like GCP, study design, setting up clinical trials, laboratories, professional development and much more.
YouTube video: How to win funds and influence panels
YouTube video: Mock interview for an MRC Cinical Research Training Fellowship